A man walking his dog without a harness because the dog hates wearing the harness

Why Does Your Dog Hate Their Harness

Many dog owners suggest using a harness for a new puppy or dog. It's a good idea because it spreads out the pressure if the dog pulls on the lead and avoids straining the dog's throat.

Sometimes, pets really hate harnesses. They might run away, hide, or even bite when they see one.

Why does this happen? It becomes clearer if we consider it from the dog's perspective. 

A puppy or dog's first experience with a harness can be a big reason why they hate it. Being strapped into something completely unfamiliar and totally new is suddenly strapped to your body, could feel weird, and maybe even uncomfortable. This initial bad experience can easily make them dislike it from then on.

Have a read on, and we'll go through some of the reasons why your dog might hate their harness.

Is a Harness the Right Choice for Your Dog?

Personally, I think harnesses are essential in most cases, especially if your dog tends to pull on the lead.

If a dog is pulling while attached to a lead on their collar, they could choke themselves. A well-fitted harness is designed to prevent this kind of injury to their throat.

Some Reasons Your Dog Might Hate Their Harness

Reason #1 | Uncomfortable Dog Harness

"Why Does Your Dog Hate Their Harness" A beagle dog with brown and white markings looking up against a dark background

One reason your pooch might hate their harness is simply that it's uncomfortable. Finding a harness that fits well is like finding a comfy bra! You might need to try a few different styles to get it right, and you probably feel relieved when you can finally take it off.

Since a harness is used to guide, hold back, and control a dog (usually when they're moving), it puts some physical pressure on their body. How much pressure depends on how your pet behaves, of course. Even if the pressure is light, a harness can still have a big impact on their health. 

An uncomfortable harness can negatively affect your dog's health and how they act in several ways. For example, it can cause musculoskeletal strain. Imagine trying to enjoy a walk but being held back by a harness that doesn't let you move properly. A badly fitted harness can cause real problems with their muscles and bones by changing how they walk or putting pressure in the wrong places. Over time, this can lead to issues like changes in their walking style, shoulder problems, and even muscle strains or arthritis.

It can also cause respiratory distress. If harnesses are too tight around the chest or neck, they can make it hard to breathe and put dangerous pressure on their windpipe. This makes the dog uncomfortable and can also lead to irritation or even collapse of the windpipe, this is especially risky for flat-faced breeds like Boston Terriers, Pugs, Boxers or Bulldogs.

Skin problems can also occur… 

When harnesses rub against the skin because they don't fit well, they can cause skin irritation, chafing, and hair loss. If it's really bad, constant rubbing can lead to sores or even infections.

There are also neurological risks. It's not always obvious, but a harness that's too tight or badly designed can cause nerve damage because pressure on the spine or nerve pathways can compress or damage nerves, leading to pain, numbness, or changes in how your dog moves.

A tight harness can also restrict circulation, potentially affecting blood flow to your dog's legs or causing discomfort in other areas.

Finally, discomfort often leads to stress-related behaviours. Dogs might become anxious, aggressive, or not want to be active if their harness causes pain. 

Reason #2 | Home Sweet Homebody

A white poodle with a red collar standing and looking directly at the camera

Sometimes, the reason your dog hates their harness is simply because they prefer staying home.

Most dogs enjoy walks, but yours might be different. Some pets just prefer the comfort of their home to going for walks, hikes, or any other adventures. They recognize the harness as a sign they're about to be taken out of their comfort zone, which is why they might cause a fuss as soon as they see you get it out.

This could be due to a medical issue, or maybe your dog is just naturally introverted and prefers staying indoors.

Reason #3 | The Smell of a Brand New Harness

A macro shot of a dog's black nose with visible texture and whiskers

Another reason your dog might hate their harness is the smell. If it's brand new, it could have unpleasant factory smells on it, and dogs have very sensitive noses. New things also won't smell like the pet itself or their owner, so they might see it as something to be careful of, or even scared of.

It's difficult for humans to fully understand just how powerful a dog's sense of smell is. Numerous reports show that dogs can smell things we can't even imagine, like stress, fear, and even certain cancers. That's why working dogs are trained to sniff out drugs, explosives, and find people who are lost or trapped.

A dog's sense of smell is thought to be 10,000 to 100,000 times more sensitive and accurate than ours. They have up to 300 million smell receptors in their noses, while we only have about six million.

Reason #4 | Negative Experience

A white dog with curly fur wearing a pink harness, looking out the back window of a car

Dogs may also hate their harness because they link it with a negative experience! Pets connect objects with either positive or negative experiences. While some dogs get excited when they see their harness and know a walk is coming, others might be reminded of something painful or upsetting.

This negative association could stem from bad experiences with previous owners or other dogs. Or, if they've been hurt by a tight harness before, they'll likely be unwilling to wear one again. They might also think wearing a harness is a punishment, believing they did something wrong to deserve it.

Reason #5 | Feeling Trapped

A dog's paw and nose peeking out from under a light-colored blanket with stripes

Harnesses can also feel restrictive to a dog because a lead is usually attached, which limits their freedom. This can easily cause frustration, anxiety, or even fear, especially if they're still getting used to going out into the world, as pulling on the lead could also trap or pinch their skin, or cause pain from the pressure.


These are just some of the reasons why dogs can quickly develop a negative feeling about their harness. You might notice this when they move away or try to hide when they see the harness, understanding why your dog is acting a certain way is key. If you can figure out the reason, you can address it and find a solution that works for both of you. 

the best-quality dog harnesses at Woof Frills

If you’re looking for comfortable and adjustable dog harnesses, shop the best-quality at Woof Frills.


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